Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Response to Denii's Blog

 The purpose of my response is to clarify and to analyze Denni's point of view on mixed races. Denii raises a valuable point that is debatable in today's society. In her blog Mixed Race, she states that the only way slavery (both mental and non mental) could end is through a balanced education of culture and through open mindedness. It is a valid claim because she herself has been exposed to multiple cultures. Denii states that "one of my teachers in middle school was black and Korean, one of my sister-in-laws in married to a Korean man and have a beautiful Korean-Dominican daughter, I also met plenty of people mixed with black and Hispanic blood or Asian and Hispanic blood or Asian and American blood" (Rincon). Denii knows how it feels to be exposed to multiple races and she sees how prejudice can end if we just come to accept all the different cultures around the world without stereotypes or without judgement. You can still be African-American, Korean, Korean, Puerto Rican and you can still be human because your culture is still valuable to the world, and the white culture is not the only culture that counts. All cultures are valuable, and we just need to be exposed to them in order to understand that. I agree with Denii because so many people in today's world are ignorant of other cultures and they sometimes even feel threatened by the presence of another culture. Some people get nervous around African-American males because they think they might get robbed or beat up, but they are not going to and they could be going to school and just going to their jobs to support their family. Not all people are the same and sometimes we even have similarities. Instead of listening to the prejudice instilled into our heads, we just have to give them a chance and see what they're about. Multiculturalism and the acceptance of different cultures is the way to achieve equality, and Denii hit the nail on the head by stating that in her claim. All in all, she makes a valid point and a point that we must all consider in our lifetimes if we want to see the end of slavery, whether it be mental or non-mental.

 I think you (Denii) can use this claim on your blog because you have experience and you know what it feels like to be exposed to different cultures. It would go well with the essay and you would be able to get concrete evidence through life experience.

Works Cited:

Rincon, Denni, Mixed Races, "http://deniiraceandcultureblog.blogspot.com/2013/03/mixed-races.html"

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